The Club has a selection of books covering all aspects of photography. Bob Dennis manages these for the Club, to borrow them contact Bob at the club.
- Photography Handbook by Lee Frost
- A-Z Digital Photography by Lee Frost
- Digital Photography by Michael Busselle
- Landscape Photography by Nial Banvie
- SLR Bible by Nigel Hicks
- Photography Problem Solver by Les Meehan
- Light in the landscape by Peter Watson
- Landscapes by John Freeman
- Field Guide to Landscape by Peter Watson
- Nature by Arnold Wilson
- Adobe photoshop 7.0 by Martin Evening
- New Book of Photography by John Hedgecoe’s
- Close-up & Macro by R. Thomas
- Black & White by William Cheung
- Black & White by John Freeman
The Club has a selection of DVD Training Guides / Tutorials. Bob Dennis manages these DVDs for the Club, to borrow them contact Bob at the club.
We have obtained 5 DVDs from Beckham Digital as follows:
- Starter Disc
- Layers Revealed
- Shooting Raw
- Photographic Techniques and Manipulation
- Monochrome Magic
Whilst these DVDs are specifically about CS5 they are also applicable for those of us with earlier versions of Photoshop
2 DVD have been purchased from Laura Shoe’s excellent series:
- Lightroom 4: The Fundamentals & Beyond
- Lightroom 4: Producing great output
These DVDs will also be applicable for those of us with Lightroom 3
A DVD from Infinite Skills titled “Learning Adobe Photoshop Elements 11” has been obtained. This of course is very applicable to earlier versions of Elements