1st Print Competition 2022-23 (Images scoring 19 & 20)
1st PDI Competition 2022-23 (Images scoring 19 & 20)
2nd Print Competition 2022-23 (Images scoring 19 & 20)
2nd PDI Competition 2022-23 (Images scoring 19 & 20)
3rd Print Competition 2022-23 (Images scoring 19-20)
3rd PDI Competition 2022-23 (Images scoring 19-20)
Paul Ravenscroft, Water Lily - 20
Jenny Collier, Vantage Point - 20
Keith Truman, Magenta dusk at Neist Point - 20
Keith Truman, River Coe Torrent - 20
Bill Hamilton, Time for another fish - 19
Peter North, Eldred Rock Lighthouse Alaska - 19
Paul Ravenscroft, Hoarfrost -19
Bill Hamilton, Kestrel on the move - 19
Peter North, Sycamore Gap, Hadrian's Wall - 19
Roger Care, Blue Ice Chamber - 19
Mono PDI Competition 2022-23
1st Place: Linda Marshall, Walking Silhouettes
2nd Place: Ian Tulloch, Storm Approaching Porth Nanven
3rd Place: Keith Truman, 3 up 2 down
Mono Print Competition 2022-23
1st Place: Keith Truman, Osea Huts
2nd Place: Andre Neves, Horse Chestnut Bonsai
3rd Place: Bill Hamilton, Closing the Gap at Nelson's Corner
Panel Print Competition 2022-23
Points of View Competition 2022-23
Richard Cassidy
Pairs Trophy 2022-23, winning images
Print of the Year 2022-23
1st Place: Nigel Northwood, The Curve
2nd Place: Paul Ravenscroft, Font Reflections Salisbury Cathedral
3rd Place: Andre Neves, Meadow Plant Bug Pair
PDI of the Year 2020-21
1st Place: Ian Tulloch, Common Darter Roosting
2nd Place: Peter North, Fishing at Dawn
3rd Place: Keith Truman, River Coe Torrent